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  1. Hi There,

    I’m Richard. If you are a student then you must know that at college and university level we have to buy a lot of TextBooks according to the subject of the course which are very expensive. This makes it difficult for students who do not have much money to buy these books. There is also a huge gap between supply and demand of TextBooks. Publishers keep changing editions (without any real changes in the books themselves) and force professors to get the new editions. This results in an additional burden on students.

    So considering all these issues, We have launched our website – We contacted authors and professors directly and received approval and agreement to sell the books digital( ePub/PDF) version directly to university and college students at a very cheap price. You can buy a book from our website at a discount of up to 70% off the price of a book from amazon.

    Our motto is simple: Education should be accessible and affordable for EVERYONE!

    If you are not student please share this website with all the students around you so that they might be benefited.

    Thanks You
    Richard C. Willis
    Marketing Consultant


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